Digital Output Control (DOC)
Color Process Control for Large Format Printing applications
Barbieri DOC (Digital Output Control) is the solution for process control and image quality evaluation in digital printing. It compares the actual print with a preset reference and gives immediate feedback if color values are within tolerance.
- Do you know if your printing conditions have changed?
- Do you know if you are able to reproduce the same colors again?
Media, ink, temperature, humidity, workflow, printer interventions; there are many factors which influence the color appearance in digital large format printing.
For this very reason, BARBIERI introduces Barbieri DOC (Digital Output Control). This process control solution checks the stability of the digital printing process and is tailored to the needs of large format, flatbed and industrial printing. It is easy to use and straightforward thinking: the actual state of a printer/media combination is set as a reference and all following prints are compared to this. For the wide range of media used in digital large format printing, Barbieri provides presets and templates tailored to each special media characteristic. The comparison of the actual state to the reference reveals whether the printing process is stable. This enables the printer operator to decide on the spot if printing should continue or if an adjustment to the printing process is required.
The DOC process control solution by Barbieri is a optional component activable within Barbieri Gateway software or included with Spectropad DOC.
Barbieri DOC also supports calculations according to Fogra PSD (Media Wedge CMYK v.3 LFP) and IDEAlliance standards (Control Wedge ISO 12647-2013 LAD).
See a introduction video:
The Barbieri DOC Control Strip CMYK:

The Barbieri DOC Control Strip RGB:

Spectropad DOC:
Process Control directly at the printer:

Spectro LFP qb DOC:
The integrated QR-Code detection allows fully automated error free operation:
PDF Report generation: